Yeah, it's me again. As same boring Helvas as in "insults, haters etc." thread. Seems that all of you wanted to beat "insults, haters" thread's amount of insults and whines. And you did it! Well done!
Now back to my boring words:
League's goal was to check clans' skills, tactical thinking and weapons' knowledge. As I could observe, it morphed to argue thinking and insults knowledge. It's not my job to judge the clan which started that war. More important than this is which clan has enough brave, skills and courage to stop that crap.
NO, I don't want to show that I'm the greatest one who "created the conflict and now closes it to become super great guy who should be followed" (of course the thing in citations is fabricated). I just can't stand that increasing hate to our clan. I also don't like the way in which that league goes. We hoped for nice, fair and friendly games, but we got something different.
First games were nice. No insults, calm and friendly. But the closer to finals, the worse it becomes. Everyone would like to win, but winning shouldn't be more important than having fun from playing.
We really would like to play that match. It would be a nice teamplay check and of course gameplay on high level. Sad that it ends on stupid argues.
So, we're waiting for another time propositions. Best for us is sunday 21:00, but we can play on other days if it's a must (of course if there isn't any random real-life accident). Ah, and please, try to understand that we can't play on specified time same as we will try to understand your time choices.
Hope to end all league crap and start normal, friendly games.