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supeR,Grism leaves the league
supergrismDate: Saturday, 2010-08-21, 9:37 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Hello guys,

It's been a real adventure to participate to the creation and evolution of this league. I'm happy of this experience, even if it stole a good deal of my time.

But it's now time for me to go. I have just spent too much of my time, and it's now time for me to leave and leave all of this behind.

I hereby dismiss myself from any technical or organizational support and responsability.

I opened up all my work, as opensource, with complete documentations and extensive guidelines. Feel free to take a look, and use as you want, my work of these last 6 months :
OpenArena League Servers Configuration and Tools Public release
I hope that these tools and configs may benefits to the whole community, and save the time of future innovators and organizers.

Farewell, I wish you all an enjoyable end of league, and I hope that more events like this will happen in the future. OpenArena has got a great potential, and a bright future.

GrosBedo, alias supeR,Grism

DarkalDate: Monday, 2010-08-23, 12:35 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1261
Reputation: 18
Thank you very much one more time and I hope your free time will takes you in a calm life evolution.

Have fun !

RMFDate: Thursday, 2010-08-26, 0:01 AM | Message # 3
General Moderator
Group: Moderators
Messages: 75
Reputation: 4
oh that is unexpected! I can imagine you want to take things a little easier after this huge ammount of work, but why leave it completely?

Anyway, thanks for your efforts for OA-CL and Openarena, and cu smile

SilverDate: Monday, 2010-08-30, 0:09 AM | Message # 4
Group: Official Referees
Messages: 354
Reputation: 7
first of all a big thx to u grism,
u did a very nice jop as every one said,

i wish all good thinks u need happy ,
big thx and i hope i will hear from u in a few months/years when u look back in this nice community wink
maybe we will see u next year on the big LAN party ??

ciao and bb Silv3r

DarkalDate: Monday, 2010-08-30, 3:52 PM | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1261
Reputation: 18
supeR,Grism leaves supeR,Bots and OpenArena... I invite you all to leave him a message in official supeR,Bots' thread :
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