About 3 weeks left for subscriptions, I see 10 teams subscribed. Unfortunately, about 3 new clans disapeared last month. And RN & *r are scared about organization of matches and to find available players.. /NC/ havn't enough players yet too. So finaly I am thinking to fix to 16 the number of places (it will smooth the organization of matches and it will avoid 17, 18 and 19 subscribed teams with 2 or 3 not motivated clans who will not be present for all matches and 17, 18 & 19 will make the selection groups organization very hard).
--- If we fix to 16 :
- Organization will be easy.
- More clan will be motivated to play (because there will be less matches to play).
- With 16 teams organization will be clear and league will be effective, it will motivate other clans to participate next OpenArena events.
- Less teams = less fun...
- Less teams = less OpenArena promote...
- May be there will be 1 or 2 motivated teams who will not have enough time to finaly subscribe & will not participate...
--- If we keep to 20 :
- League will be more spicy & interesting.
- Will be more challenge for every clans & OpenArena will have a nice promotion.
- Risk to have 17, 18 or 19 clans subscribed : organization will be a nightmare !
- There will be a lot of matches to play, it will add some stress...