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some questions about rules
RMFDate: Sunday, 2010-05-02, 10:07 PM | Message # 1
General Moderator
Group: Moderators
Messages: 75
Reputation: 4
1) IIRC the rules state that if a match can't be played it has to be rescheduled within 4 days. If not, the match will be concidered as abandoned. But what happens then? Who gets what score for what?
Let's say we've got clan A and B. Who would get scores and for what if:
-clan A can't play within 4 days
-clan B can't play within 4 days
-both clans can play but there is no referee
-neither of the clans can play

2) What is the timelimit before you can say "the other team did not show"? I mean how long after the planned time?

DarkalDate: Monday, 2010-05-03, 0:26 AM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1261
Reputation: 18
1) We are human, so I guess nobody will complain if we wait more than 4 days, the most important is to play all matches before august.

2) I didn't precized, but as 1st question, we are humain, I don't think anyone will complain if people came late of 30min. The most problematic situation, as you saw with IO vs supeR,Bots, we came very late, and after that, Tiny has to disconnect, so it was our fault, but we can replay it tomorrow, so it's ok. It became problematic when a player has to go before playing match. Should we really precize how much time ? I would say 45min is really MAX for a late.

RMFDate: Tuesday, 2010-05-04, 4:44 PM | Message # 3
General Moderator
Group: Moderators
Messages: 75
Reputation: 4
hm ok thanks smile
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