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Mod base of OACL2010
supergrismDate: Tuesday, 2010-05-04, 11:58 AM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Hello all,

I think all of you are aware of the recent problems we had with servers, mainly lag of some players. This was because the CPMA netcode is NOT fully delagged, so instant hitscan weapons were delagged as any other weapons, up to 100 ms with the auto adaptive lag hack (lagHax). We think that not only this change the gameplay of OA, but this is unfair as well, as the community always welcomed the full delag, and they are right.

To circumvent CPMA problems, a major turnaround was done, and almost all the config was rewritten to support ExcessivePlus (, the new mod that will be used for this League (with some modifications).

Excessive Plus :
* is extremely configurable
* has almost all CPMA features
* is more clean (all new vars are prepended by "xp_")
* has multiview recording (replaces server-side recording)
* has a version for OA and will be developped in the future taking OA into consideration.
* has a cool developper crew and active community (CPMA is almost dead seriously, even the forum skin is broken)
* has _full_ delag for _all_ weapons (hitscan AND projectiles) = best netcode Ive seen so far (more infos here)
* global frames (smoother gameplay)
* has configurable gameplay, gamemodes and gamephysics
* has configurable HUD and support CPMA hud config files (will be available in v2.1, current is v2.0a)
* has support for match commands like /ref /lock /timeout etc...
* GTV works good on it and has multiview
* A native OpenArena version is developped by the lead team.

There are many other reasons why we have chosen XP (Excessive Plus), all in all it's just the best compromise we've seen yet and fulfill almost all our requests (Im talking to dev to see for missing features, mainly for GTV).

For more infos, the official Excessive Plus for OpenArena website (thank's MIOW !):

If you are not already convinced, try to play a EU vs US match in those servers, EU and US servers are now both open. You will see, the result is pretty much impressive.

Any server can be used for any gamemode, just "/callvote conf" to see the list.

I wish you all to have great fun playing this League,


DarkalDate: Thursday, 2010-05-06, 11:45 AM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1261
Reputation: 18
Little problem report :
Elimination mod : when you restart, you have only 5sec before game starts, it's really short and sometime can disturb before match :-/
supergrismDate: Thursday, 2010-05-06, 9:22 PM | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Quote (Darkal)
Elimination mod : when you restart, you have only 5sec before game starts, it's really short and sometime can disturb before match :-/

In fact, you should get exactly 7 secs, this is not a bug, this is how the Elim game works : you get 7 secs to respawn and move before the next round starts.

DarkalDate: Thursday, 2010-05-06, 9:42 PM | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1261
Reputation: 18
Yes I know. cmd is /elimination_warmup ; it's 7 by default, I didn't said that's a bug, I just said that's little bit disturbing, I ask if it's possible to change to, at least, 15 this value ?
supergrismDate: Thursday, 2010-05-06, 10:28 PM | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Yes of course, but you need to be aware that this is changing a main component of the Elimination gameplay that is common to several games (Q3, OA and QL), and players will get more time and chances to regroup before the round actually starts. You'll have to specify it clearly in the rules.
DarkalDate: Friday, 2010-05-07, 1:38 PM | Message # 6
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1261
Reputation: 18
No, it's not elimination_activewarmup happy
supergrismDate: Friday, 2010-05-07, 4:23 PM | Message # 7
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Actually it's another var using another syntax for ExcessivePlus.

So, are you really sure you want to change this component ? Maybe we should do a vote...

DayiiDate: Friday, 2010-05-07, 5:12 PM | Message # 8
General Advisor
Group: Advisors
Messages: 17
Reputation: 1
I think we should use CPMA for elimination because E+ sucks very hard.
-You can spec the enemy after you died.
-After the warmup time you have always the plasma gun

supergrismDate: Friday, 2010-05-07, 11:04 PM | Message # 9
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Dayii, ok for bug report, but please stop this "This mod sucks, I want the other supa-motha-fucker-mod", this mod was chosen for good reasons and there's _no_ turning back, unless you fix yourself the CPMA problems (and I can tell you : it will be hard, I tried).

For these problems, we will take a look, thank you for the feedback.

MIOWDate: Saturday, 2010-05-08, 2:01 PM | Message # 10
Group: Administrators
Messages: 70
Reputation: 4
I'm quite impressed by E+ so far. It's the first big mod ported to OA after NoGhost, which discontinued, and most likely the last one. Very nice find.

Quote (supergrism)
* has a cool developper crew and active community (CPMA is almost dead seriously, even the forum skin is broken)

It's because CPMA devs are working on a brand new game, PMX.

:: nyen :: IRC channel #nyen @ QuakeNet ::
supergrismDate: Sunday, 2010-05-09, 11:20 AM | Message # 11
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Here are some more infos about the netcode from one of the lead devs beast+ :

Quote ("beast+")

Quote ("GrosBedo")
- How is working the netcode about delag ? I mean, is the full delag for hitscan a ripoff unfreeze/instagib open code, or did you update it with custom changes ? And projectiles delag, is it the same as CPMA 100ms auto adaptive hack (lagHax) ?

Yeah, it is based on unlagged code with some differences/additions:

* First, clients can't choose to disable unlagged, so xp_delagWeapons (which would resemble cg_delag) only affects the client effects, not the hitscan tests.
* There is the xp_improvePrediction server cvar to try to send enemies information to clients earlier so enemies don't suddenly appear around corners for high pingers.
* About the unlagged projectiles, they are fully unlagged, so if the client has 300 ping they will be delagged to that amount. However, they are unlagged only on low range, so on mid/high range they can still be dodged. To be a bit more technical, they will be fully unlagged for the first 250 msec of the projectile life, and from 250 to 350 msec the delag amount will be gradually reduced to zero so the transition between full delag/no delag is smoothed down a bit.

Quote ("beast+")

Quote ("GrosBedo")
(about xp_delagWeapons) How does it effect the client exactly ? Disabling weapons delag on clients would make them not see the game as unlagged, but still get the benefits of unlagged code ?

Well, maybe not too far as not seing the game as unlagged, but the weapon effects like rail trails will be played only after receiving the information from the server.

supergrismDate: Sunday, 2010-05-09, 2:14 PM | Message # 12
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Quote (Dayii)
I think we should use CPMA for elimination because E+ sucks very hard.
-You can spec the enemy after you died.

Ah and another thing Dayii : CPMA has possibly the worst Elimination implementation ever seen : I spent 3 days only to be able to actually run a simple Elimination mod, and there are almost no var to configure it (try to change the round time warmup, nothing in the doc...). And the spec enemy is the very same problem we had on CPMA, but on CPMA we have no way to avoid it XD

In fact, this is due to a lack of interest (and even a despise) from the authors of CPMA. For the moment, the best implementation Ive seen is in OA vanilla v0.8.5

Anyway next time, please verify what you are criticizing, because there's nothing more foolish than criticize something you don't even know to be replaced by something you don't know either but prefer by fanboyism and "mode"... Don't be a sheep.

Zero_hunDate: Sunday, 2010-05-09, 4:29 PM | Message # 13
Hurt me Plenty
Group: Team Leaders
Messages: 46
Reputation: 5
Quote (supergrism)
there's nothing more foolish than criticize something you don't even know to be replaced by something you don't know either but prefer by fanboyism and "mode"... Don't be a sheep.


To be honest, i'm not a programmer, so i can just say my experience. I was unable to play on the cpma servers, my config broke every time, and when i set everything corrertly, the server dropped me. Now, i dont have this problem, so at least i could try the mod. Yeah, we could spec the opponent after death, so i suggest to forbid all CA matches 'till the problem is solved. I dont know if it is possible, i can just hope that you find the solution.

supergrismDate: Sunday, 2010-05-09, 5:25 PM | Message # 14
Group: Administrators
Messages: 165
Reputation: 5
Quote (Zero_hun)
Yeah, we could spec the opponent after death, so i suggest to forbid all CA matches 'till the problem is solved. I dont know if it is possible, i can just hope that you find the solution.

It's already found : just lock the teams.

Update : Some people felt that the gameplay is more smooth in E+ (it even makes you feel like you jump higher when in fact you don't). This is not an impression, here is what I found in the Changelog :

add: global frames (smoother gameplay)
WaspKillerDate: Monday, 2010-05-10, 2:53 AM | Message # 15
Group: Users
Messages: 3
Reputation: 2
Quote (supergrism)
Quote (Zero_hun)
Yeah, we could spec the opponent after death, so i suggest to forbid all CA matches 'till the problem is solved. I dont know if it is possible, i can just hope that you find the solution.

It's already found : just lock the teams...


I simply want to pass on some tips that you may find helpful. I am WaspKiller - former Clan Leader of the WASP Clan in Q3 E+ - now the leader of the WASP "Fun" Clan in OA.

There are 8 MatchMode Commands: /lock, /unlock, /joinword, /invite, /timeout, /ready, /notready, and /teamready.

Although Admins and Referees (if authorized) can lock and unlock teams, I recommend - based on many years of competitive ranked matches - that teams lock and unlock themselves. However be sure that BOTH teams invite the referee (referees) so that he (they) can create normal demos from both PoVs (Point of Views). I played with E+ 1.03 and older which did not have the MVD capability introduced in E+ 2.0a.

Commands for Clan Wars or Fun Wars:
The Commands for Clan Wars or Fun Wars are only available if the Server has /xp_matchmode x enabled.

Where x is 0, 1, 2, or 3:
0 will disable the matchmode commands.
1 will enable the matchmode commands.
2 will enable the matchmode commands + enable the roundlimit.
3 will enable the matchmode commands + enable roundbased gameplay + display the scoreboard at the end of each round.

I recommend - /xp_matchmode 2 - for wars.

/lock password This command locks your team with a password. If the "password" part is omitted your team will be locked with an automatic generated password. The purpose of this command is to prevent spectators and non-teammates from joining your team

/unlock This command unlocks your team

/joinword password This command allows a teammate who is spectating (or arrived late) to join his team.

You cannot spectate a locked team if you do not know the team's password. That is, you cannot use the Spectate Mode, the TV Cam Mode, or the Track Cam Mode to follow individual players around the map. However, you can use the Free Fly Mode to move freely around the map and observe the action. Players who enter their team's joinword but then become Spectators will be be indicated on the ScoreBoard as Red or Blue Spectators.

/invite clientNum This command, which can only be used by an actual team player, invites a player to your locked team without that player having to enter or know the joinword. ClientNum refers to the Player's Client Number that is listed beside all players and bots on the ScoreBoard. You can also see the list of players and their respective Client Number by entering the following command /players at the console.

/timeout This command allows any team member to pause a game.

Timeouts are not permitted in Free For All (FFA). However, 3 timeouts at 120 seconds each per team are permitted in Team Games and 3 timeouts at 60 seconds each per player are permitted in Tournaments (1v1).

/teamready or /ready These commands allow Teams and Tournament Players to indicate that their side is ready to START a Match before the Match Start Countdown ends.

/teamready or /ready These commands also end timeouts in Team Games and Tournaments respectively. Only the Team or Tournament Player who paused the game may end the timeout prematurely.

/notReady This command allows Teams and Tournament Players (prior to the Match Start Countdown ending) to indicate that their side is not ready to START a Match thereby adding more time to the Match Start Countdown Clock.


In regards to warm-up, IMO, Public Servers should have "g_warmup" set to 30 seconds (it gives high ping players enough time for their connection to settle down and it simply give ppl a chance to catch their breath). In Wars, we usually had it set to 120 seconds but the referees were frequently asked to extend it for one team issue or another. I would set a policy on how long the warm-ups prior to the match start and between maps can be.

Good Luck with the League.

Message edited by WaspKiller - Monday, 2010-05-10, 3:10 AM
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