*** Proceedings' Rules in English ***
017 - Teams' leaders can register to the league from the 8th March 2010.
018 - The 12th April 2010, the registrations are closed.
019 - The OpenArena Clan-League 2010 open 16 places to register. If 16 teams are registrated, the registrations will be closed immediatly.
020 - The selection matches will be played between the 23th April 2010 and the 5th September 2010.
021 - The team leaders will must to schedule their selection matches by their own means (don't hesitate to use the Matches' Arrangements Forum for that). Every not played selection match after the 5th september 2010 will be considered abandoned. An official referee must to be present on the match. The referee will post official match date and official result.
022 - The playoff matches will start after the selection matches, after 10 free days. So first playoff match will be planned for about the 12th September 2010.
023 - Clan-League Staff will schedule the playoff matches and set official dates. 2 dates will be proposed to 2 teams, team leaders will must to choose a favorite date in 4 next days after the proposal. (For that the Matches' Arrangements Forum will be used).
024 - The teams can organize their playoff matches by themselves. They will just must to find an official referee. The match planning should be posted on the Arrangements Forum.
025 - The referee must to post official match date at least 50 hours before. If the official date is posted after less than 50 hours before the match, the team leaders can request a match cancelling on the Matches' Complains Forum.
026 - The referee can NOT be in one of both playing teams.
027 - General Team Ranking is done according to the number of league points collected by teams. This ranking will display the 4 challenges' rankings AND a total ranking. This ranking will be real only at the end of league (when 4 Final matches will be played).
028a - On CTF challenges, the League Points are given by this way :
30 points- Victory by win on a Final Match.
26 points- Draw on a Final Match.
26 points- Victory by win on a Semifinals Match.
24 points- Victory by win on a Quarter-Finals Match.
23 points- Draw on a Semifinals Match.
23 points- Victory by Sudden-Death Match : When a team win playoff 3rd match game.
21 points- Defeat by Sudden-Death Match : When a team lose his 3rd playoff match game.
21 points- Draw on a Quarter-Finals Match.
20 points- Victory by win : When a team win his match.
19 points- Victory by abandoning: When a team win because his opponent has abandoned started match.
15 points- Victory by total abandoning: When a team win because his opponent has abandoned not played match.
13 points- Draw : When a team won 1 game of a match.
10 points- Defeat by loss on a Final Match.
8 points- Defeat by loss on a Semifinals Match.
5 points- Defeat by loss on a Quarter-Finals Match.
3 points- Defeat by loss : When a team lose his played match.
2 points- Capture on a Semifinals or Final Match.
1 points- Capture : When a flag is captured by the team.
0 point- Sudden Death Match capture : When a flag is captured while a Sudden-Death playoff match.
0 point- Defeat by abandonment : When a team abandoned his match.
Check the Matches' Rules for more informations.
028b - For Elimination challenge, League Points :
20 points- Victory by win on a Final Match.
15 points- Victory by win on a Semifinals Match.
14 points- Victory by a total abandoning : When the opponent abandoned non-played match.
10 points- Victory by win.
10 points- Victory by abandoning.
5 points- Defeat on a Final Match.
3 points- Defeat on a Semifinals Match.
2 points- Defeat of a played match.
1 points- Elimination Round won.
0 point- Sudden Death Match round : When a round is won during a Sudden-Death playoff match.
0 point- Defeat by abandonment : When a team abandoned his match.
033 - After the registrations, teams will be dispatched in selection groups (number of groups will depend of participating teams) and the selection matches will start.
[b]Check the Matches' Rules for more informations.
034 - After the selection matches, if the 2nd and 3rd teams have the same points number, they will have the 10 free days (5 September => 15 September) to schedule an extra match. This match will not bring them any league points. This match will be organized by these 2 teams' own rules. The both teams should confirm who will be qualified to the playoff matches in the Organization Forum OR if an official referee was witness of this extra-match, he will confirm us the result in private.
If this extra-match will not be played in 10 free days before playoff matches, the League Staff and all Official Referees will vote in private which of two teams will be qualified.
035 - There is 4 separate challenges in the clan-league. All 4 challenges use the same rules and same organization. The selection groups will be randomly built 4 times for each challenge.
Challenges are :
- All Weapon : CTF, using all OpenArena weapons.
- Only Rocket : CTF, using only Rocket-Launcher.
- Instantgib : CTF, using only Railgun.
- Elimination : All weapons, Team players elimination (called Clan-Arena in Quake III Arena).
036 - Each challenge has his own official allowed maps. Here the official maps list :
039 - Every players must to listen to the referee's orders. If any player doesn't respect referee's request during a match, the referee can request a penalty to respectless player.
040 - Even if referees are selected to be fair, if any player notice a referee passing away a rule or abusing his power, he can complain in the Matches' Complain Forum or directly in private to an Administrator or Moderator.
041 - If a playoff match is finished by a draw, the most captured flags team is qualified by captured flags. If the captured flags number is the same, a sudden death match will be played.
Sudden Death match is played on /capturelimit 1. Map proposed randomly by the referee and should be accepted by both teams.
The map of sudden death match can NOT be the same map as one of 2 previous games.
The map of sudden death match HAS to be the same map if the both teams have chosen the same map.
The captured flag of suddent death match doesn't count as a league point.
042 - Every rules can be changed and a rule can be added only by an Administrator before the end of subscriptions.
043 - Every rules can be changed and a suggested rule can be added during the league, only after the result of a public poll, if more than 75% players vote YES.
046 - At the end of the league, the winner is the team in top of the General Team Ranking, in other words, the team who will win maximum total league points added from 4 challenges.